As most people know Cult of the Dead Cow ( cDc ) has released a google scanner. What this scanner dose is that it search's for Vulnerabilities in websites using the power of google search engine.
This tool as any other tool if used correctly it would be good, But most people will use it to deface and hack websites. You will say now : So people are doing that for a long time, what's new ?!
I'll tell you what's new, before people use to target specific sites and search within that site for a bug or a Vulnerabilities in it, But now with this tool, it will search in all the sites that are indexed by google. The bigger risk is that almost if not all websites on the internet are indexed and listed in google search engine.
So now the treat is wider, and it won't be a target specific, it will be random.
The fear is not from the people who are experts in defacing websites, its in the ones that don’t know anything such as script kiddies it will be chaos, all the want to be and the ones who want to impress there girlfriends or friends will be hacking and slashing websites.
I'm not saying all that so people will freak out and go around yelling: hacked, hacked.
And some will say that google is the evil big brother if he did not have such great search engine non of this would have happened. That’s just wrong. EVERY single item or thing in this world can be used in 2 ways, the good way and the bad way.
This tool as any other tool if used correctly it would be good, But most people will use it to deface and hack websites. You will say now : So people are doing that for a long time, what's new ?!
I'll tell you what's new, before people use to target specific sites and search within that site for a bug or a Vulnerabilities in it, But now with this tool, it will search in all the sites that are indexed by google. The bigger risk is that almost if not all websites on the internet are indexed and listed in google search engine.
So now the treat is wider, and it won't be a target specific, it will be random.
The fear is not from the people who are experts in defacing websites, its in the ones that don’t know anything such as script kiddies it will be chaos, all the want to be and the ones who want to impress there girlfriends or friends will be hacking and slashing websites.
I'm not saying all that so people will freak out and go around yelling: hacked, hacked.
And some will say that google is the evil big brother if he did not have such great search engine non of this would have happened. That’s just wrong. EVERY single item or thing in this world can be used in 2 ways, the good way and the bad way.